Friday, January 12, 2018

2018: A drawing a day for sanity - First 10

It's been a while.. I've been playing on and off  here and this year, specifically, but also as a kind of lead on from last year, I've trying to decide to draw and write more and make it my spiritual and daily practice. Part of connecting, part of walking with spirit, part of curiosity and synchronicity and listening, and of course, part of speaking and using my voice

So I am doing a drawing a day, using a small little book, a quater of the size of A4. But I am thinking I want to collage the drawings so I might take them out, and see what happens, but I will keep trying to draw in the book so that its a ritual.. there are some additions along the way from Gabriel ! and I am also using some of his marks to make pictures.
At the moment I dont have a specific time that I designate to these drawings. Morning pages I try to make very morning but drawing, it kind of fits in when it fits.

So we started on Jaunary 2 and so here are the first 10 drawings as well as some from Gabriel. I have started writing a few words about them too so I have included those underneath as its not always easy to read.

Front Cover: 
This is to remind me to be brave 
and no half measures when it comes to 
important things!

Drawing 1 [2 Jan]. This is about
gratitude and pebbles. Pebbles
for me are grounding and playful

Drawing 3. What is she looking at?              Drawing 4: caves, fire, mountains
[and holding?]                                  warmth, spark

Drawing 5: This is about ideas for dolls maybe and about birds, my spirit animals which I am busy exloring at the moment

Drawing 6:This is Mighty Girl.
I am making her 
into a doll now. 
She is to remind me 
to have courage, to be strong, 
and also, to laugh a bit!
Drawing 7: The path, and out of the ashes. This is about trying to find my way, and its about taking what I need with me, but leaving behind what I dont. 

Drawing 8: For this drawing, 
i used some marks Gabriel had made. 
I just wanted to make something light and whimsical.
Maybe that's how these colours of Africa and Sicily
appeared. These are arhchetypal for me, in a way.
Having grown up in Africa which is hot and bright,
and spending many years in the UK, I have often drawn on
the memory of these colours. Now, I find them returning to
me in Sicily where I now live. Something of me, here!

This is Gabriel's drawing of the sea, and the sand
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Drawing 9. On this day I was quite sad. 
This is called The Crying Head.
There are fish as tears. I do find the blue
to be calming and peaceful

Drawing 10. This is also made from marks by Gabriel.
The lightly treading entangled tree giant. 
and the sunlight dances on the branches