Monday, September 17, 2007

Sunday, September 16, 2007

here is the rocket and from a distance so far

here you can see the rocket in the beginning, with the people saying hello in the rocket which you can see in real life, and also the crows with the red crocodile underneath
the mural has been coloured in a bit more now, in the distance you can see the rocket with blue around it

Saturday, September 8, 2007

the rocket study

i forgot my camera, so this is in place of the actual pictures. It was necesary to draw pre pictures of rockets, which are very important, before making a coloured rocket, so here are the Davanci Rocket Drawings. the actual rocket is very cool, it has people in it with windows and they are saying 'hello' from the rocket, which is flying to almost the top of the wall, and there is a lot of difrerent coloured fire coming from the rocket, that was important too..... and the rocket was like the rocket icecreams that you get that are different colours, except this rocket was mostly red, cos we didnt have all the icecream colours, and cos red was the favourable colour overall, and the rocket was just above the grass. and next to the rocket are some crows, crows were definitly needed too, cos there are lots and lots of crows in the sky, I even saw them, thanks to the painters. There were 3 crows all together, and to make the top crow, there was a search for a chair. to stand on.