Tuesday, October 31, 2006

the paint adds to the drop in property prices

this is the drawing that said the crayons are insufficient at the moment then some paint arrived at the scene all over the place in fact but it doesnt matter as there is already paint everywhere and its a way of adding more colour for free ie without having to decide even if its over expressed to some extent and causes a drop in property prices in the area.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Friday, October 13, 2006

drawing the making of medusa maybe

medusa demands space. imagine space to imagine medusa.
imagine a welding machine. imagine a high high roof and floors full of glue and paint.
imagine big old tables full of stuff. imagine carrying medusa on a bicyle. imagine medusa could choose all the stuff she would be made off. imagine she broke and there was space to rebuild her. imagine some real snakes to draw or freeze. imagine madusa had a satchel full of drawings. imagine medusa couldnt talk. imagine medusa wasnt in wikapedia. imagine medusa had real blood. imagine you never met her.