Monday, September 9, 2013

A new day in the life of Babacino is about to begin!

This is the trailer:
Everything is ready: One cute baby with blanket, 2 passports and tickets, one ergo baby carrier annnnnd a new toy, and, no more sleeps! 
Guess where we are going tomorrow??? 
A new day in the life of Babacino is about to begin!!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

A Day in the Life of Babacino, 9 weeks and 1 day old!

This is a story of one day in the life of Babacino, which so happens to be today, Saturday the 31st of August. Gabriel aka Babacino is 9 weeks and 1 day old. Normally,we have his daddy - Maurizio Crispi - with us but he is in Italy, so we are making this partly for him! 

Soon we are going to Italy as well, but for now, we are having fun in London! 

"No one tells us this secret: Putting our babies first expands us and makes us more deeply human. It's what grows us up. I recommend it" Peggy O'Mara click on the link!

A Day in the Life of Babacino 

A Story about a Tiger

This we made when Gabriel was 5 weeks and 2 days!
A Story about a Tiger