Monday, March 30, 2009

an invention

this time the colour did transport, probably because there is fire and a massive dagger in the picture, so it did not question.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

about the foot and the shoe

for some very strange reason, some pictures that have colour when they've been drawn, dont have the colour when they're electronic (maybe its a funny kind of way of passing on colour blindness, from Pater Familias) so you cant see the ocean or the red, but its probably best to 'let nature take its course' and not try and reverse it to the original intention because then it could become an obsession.

Friday, March 27, 2009

if you dare to go into the street today

i made these a few days ago, except i did end up finding them a bit boring so i just kept them in case one day i didnt have enough drawings and then that wouldnt be right, so i would then use them, or else to balance ideas out a bit, if they're too sort of leaning one way too much and then they might stay like that, though, as it turns out, there are actually some lurking repetative things creeping around, so it isnt so balanced really, maybe actually balance is just an illusion and is not even worth bothering about, like maybe its just boring and dull and if you had balance then nothing would creep over the pages for a suprise, if you go down to the woods today.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

An example of social darwinism

this is a bit of a funny story, i dont quite get it yet, but it is quite sort of humorous, you gotta admit,and somethings gotta be funny once upon a time, because can you imagine a giant cheese grater as big as like a building, and then a frozen person (maybe made of something like choclit or clay or like salt, so its not entirely gross, but at least you still can imagine blood and guts and things, if you choose) being grated into little bits by a big claw and the giant grater. i thought of it when i was running across waterloo bridge, but i did also think of some more palatable things, but i have forgotten them which is very typical. but maybe they are not forgotten maybe i was just pretending and forgot i was pretending that i was pretending to pretend to pretend to pretend to pretend to make it something. this is unconsidered.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

this is the pond that jack built

the heading is from a nursery rhyme except i cant remember how it actually goes, so that means it is probably not appropriate, and that means it might or might not matter.